36 Reasons Why Having a “Free Website” is a Bad Idea

This is a great article explaining exactly why you get what you pay for and nothing is ever “free.” The least of which is they can lock down your data, they can shut down your website, unprofessional web address (no credibility there), the company can disappear (with your stuff), you lose your site address, they can sell your information, notorious for distributing malware (do you really want to be a part of that?), and they are vulnerable to hacking attempts.

Is this the way you want potential clients/customers/members to see your organization? But wait, there’s more!…

Are you looking for a free website hosting service on the web? Take a look at these 36 reasons explaining why having a free website is a bad idea.

Source: 36 Reasons Why Having a “Free Website” is a Bad Idea




