First Click: The quietest story of CES is also the biggest | The Verge

What happens to humans when all things move like information?

Are we prepared to play this out without setting any groundwork and without mitigating and reducing the consequences of an all-automated society?

So what happens when the robots reduce the cost and time of moving physical objects to not a lot and pretty fast? When a huge variety of autonomous vehicles in every shape and size from tiny drone to semi truck can be sent off to deliver things without having to slow down or take naps or feel inconvenienced? What does an already globalized culture look like when it’s not just information that can travel instantly, but actual things that can spread across the city and state and world faster and cheaper than ever?

We already know some answers: software-driven advances in logistics and warehousing are behind seemingly-simple things like Amazon’s ultrafast shipping, and services like Instacart and Uber have taught users to expect real-world results from pushing a smartphone button — even if they’re filling in the gaps with other humans for now. The goal is to automate everything, and the first step is teaching the machines to move around.

The machines are fast learners, it turns out. What happens when they have nothing left to learn?

Source: First Click: The quietest story of CES is also the biggest | The Verge




